All-School Community Service Day: March 20th (Register Today!)
On Saturday, March 20th, the Alliance for Social Justice will host an “All-school Community Service Day.” Please join your fellow classmates and faculty members to make this event a great success! Registration will take place in the lobby from March 1st – 3rd.
Make a positive difference in the Spokane community by helping local nonprofits and community organizations serve the public. Complete mandatory community service hours. Plus, the student organization with the most participation will be awarded at the annual Public Interest Banquet in April.
Volunteer opportunities include:
- St. Margaret’s Shelter: Help serve meals or cultivate vegetables in the Shelter Garden
- Horizon Hospice: Help deliver flowers in pairs to the bereaved
- Cancer Patient Care: Help paint offices
- SpokAnimal: Help walk dogs and play with cats
- Habitat for Humanity: HelpĀ organize their community store
- Spokane Parks and Recreation: Help clean-up a park
Sign-up in the lobby or contact Bil Childress, Chelsea Williams, or Matt Serres to complete your registration. We look forward to seeing you out in the community on March 20th!