3 Tips for Better Leading Your Community

Whether you’ve been a role model to a sibling or inspired the love of a congregation, your influence has shaped the lives of those around you.  Effective leadership skills can inspire positive growth and change in even the grimmest of circumstances.

At Gonzaga University, we offer an online theology degree program that integrates leadership skills with the Christian theological traditions, producing an effective and well-rounded educational experience. Our online Master of Arts in Theology and Leadership (MATL) program empowers students to become effective leaders within their community, equipped and fortified to instill positive change.

Here are three tips you can utilize on a daily basis to help become a better leader in your community, and to those around you:

  1. Be inspiring and supportive- A leader is someone who inspires action and change in those around him or her. In the mission and ministry fields, this can mean leading others to a deeper experience of God or facilitating a positive change in their lives. Enthusiasm is contagious and can break down barriers. If you devote your time and energy to support others and create change, your actions will not go unnoticed.
  2. Learn from your community– Leadership is not a one-way street. In fact, the leader-follower relationship is symbiotic and correlative; one cannot exist without the other. A follower benefits from the guidance and knowledge of the leader and a leader benefits from the insight of his or her followers. Learning from your community can shed light on how to tailor your approach to becoming a more effective leader.
  3. Lead by example– The best way to influence those around you is to practice what you preach. Be a mentor, a positive role model, and an example of the upstanding moral character you ask others to emulate. However, we’re all human and make mistakes, and even great leaders are imperfect. If you make an error, handle it with integrity; be honest, fair and accountable for your actions. The respect earned from admitting fault can make quite an impression.

The MATL online theology degree program prepares graduates for various leadership positions in non-profit, charitable or other mission-focused work. Students can look forward to serving their community in a number of ways, but being an effective leader may be one of the most beneficial.

For more tips and helpful information, check out our Gonzaga Online Blog. To learn more about our MATL online theology degree, please contact us today!

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