Hi Zags! Throughout the school year and this summer especially, four dedicated Guide Core staff have been working with a team of FYEP staff to bring you the best orientation weekend possible.
These are your 2019 student leaders:
Jazzmyn Bando (Jazz) – Student Leader GUide, Event Leader
Major: Special Ed and Spanish
If you were a mix between a kitchen appliance and an animal, what would you be?
“An aardvark and an air-fryer”
What should new students be most excited about when they get on campus this fall?
“Embracing change”
Sydney Lowe- Student Leader GUide, Super Small Group Leader
Major: Special Education with an added elementary teaching certification and early childhood endorsement
What is the best advice a professor at GU has given you?
“Be grateful every day and understand that everyone has a story worth hearing because a lot of the time, the best learning takes place outside of the classroom”
What should new students be most excited about when they get to campus this fall?
“Orientation Weekend is special because it’s the only time that you and your class get to be together until you all graduate!”
Alan Ferrer- Program GUide, Saturday and Monday
Major: Human Physiology with a minor in Leadership Studies
What should new students be most excited about when they get on campus this fall?
“They should be excited about their transition into a new academic experience and learning how to live independently”
If you were a mix between a kitchen appliance and an animal, what would you be?
“A panda and a quesadilla maker”
Gabe Terry- Program GUide, Friday and Sunday
Major: Political Science
What is the most “GU” thing you have ever done?
“Get Thomas Hammer and ride the College Hall elevator at the same time”
What should new students be most excited about when they get on campus this fall?
“The new Community, and all the extracurricular’s that Gonzaga has to offer!”
If you have any questions at all feel free to contact us at
(509) 313-4346 or at firstyearexperience@gonzaga.edu.