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Simple Diversity Exercises

Simple exercises can help students understand the breadth of diversity. Many times, when we say “diversity,” students think we are only talking about race or gender. The cohort discussed the following simple exercises to begin the discussion of diversity and help students see the broader definition of diversity. Have students …

Trigger Warnings

On April 6, 2018, the Productive Discomfort cohort discussed trigger warnings. Below are some notes from that session: A limited background on trigger warnings: A trigger warning lets students know in advance about content that may be considered upsetting such as violent or sexual situations.  The purpose of a trigger …

Automated Responses

Sometimes it can be difficult to get students to pay attention to what is really happening. We have all be guilty of …

Universal Design

faculty who embrace the universal design paradigm proactively design courses to address a student body that is increasingly diverse with respect to …

Responding to Campus Events

On Sept. 29, 2021, the Productive Discomfort cohort examined how to productively discuss campus events such as the the attack in College …


The members of the Productive Discomfort cohort often bring stories of inappropriate classroom scenarios to the cohort meetings. The group then discusses …

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