From a young age, Chris Birmingham (’15) has wanted to explore ways to use robots to help people. As an electrical engineering major and computer science minor in our School, he was able to pursue this interest by focusing his studies on developing robotic technologies to serve the needs of the disabled and elderly.

Chris Birmingham (’15) won a Marshall Scholarship. (Gonzaga photo/Rajah Bose)
Now, Chris has been chosen to continue his robotics research in the U.K. as one of only 34 young American scholars to win a 2014 Marshall Scholarship. The prestigious award enables future leaders to undertake advanced graduate study at universities in the U.K. The award will finance Chris’s advanced studies in the Ph.D. program in Robotics and Autonomous Systems at the University of Bristol.
“I am more excited than I can say to be studying what I love, and while I am abroad no less! It should be quite an experience, and I am really looking forward to it,” Chris said.
SEAS department chairs also selected Chris as the recipient of the 2015 School of Engineering and Applied Science Excellence Award. He was presented the award on April 21, 2015, at the Academic Honors Convocation.
“I know there are many outstanding engineers in the School who are all doing and going on to do amazing things,” Chris said. “I am very grateful to be recognized for the work I have put into my engineering education and the GU community.”
Chris has made the most of his time at Gonzaga. He participated in the Honors Program, studied abroad in Florence during his sophomore year, served as vice chair for the Gonzaga chapter of the IEEE, and founded and served as president of the Robotics Club.