Well hello everyone! New year, new semester, new blog post!
I couldn’t wait to come back to campus after our month-long Christmas break. Many of my friends who attend other universities left about a week or so before I was due to leave, so I chilled at home with my family and little to do!
My schedule remained virtually the same for this semester, except I don’t have a proper lunch time on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays! Some of my classes are interesting and nothing like I’ve taken before, like philosophy and voice lessons.
My roommate and I decided to make some changes to our dorm room, which included bunking our beds, moving our family photos to one wall, and making room for my keyboard, which I brought back from home, along with my bass guitar. Our room feels a lot more spacious-so much room for activities! As long as I don’t fall off the top bunk…
I missed my college friends dearly, and thoroughly enjoyed eating dinner with them at the Cog, telling stories about seeing our families and visiting our old hangout spots, like our old high schools.
The transition into college life again will be easier than last August, and I have high hopes for the months to come.
I leave you all with a happy, upbeat tune! Until next time.
Heather, Class of 2015
English and Music Education double-major