In a week and four days, I’ll officially be done with my freshman year here at Gonzaga!
It’s a very strange feeling, knowing that I’ll be done with my first year of college. It’s been an interesting ride, from meeting people from totally different backgrounds to an interesting class schedule to having the freedom to use my time in a way I see fit.
However, despite the sadness that comes along with the end of a school year, I’m super excited for the summer. I’ll be remaining on campus and working, so I get to experience Spokane during the summer! I stay on campus as part of a student staff, so if you visit during the summer you might spot me around campus!
I’ll be living in Welch Hall this fall with one of my very good friends, so I’m looking forward to that as well! I was also elected an officer for La Raza Latina, so I’ll be investing time in that. My classes are also getting me pumped for the fall, and I’ll be taking the following:
- Psychology 101
- Math 121
- Religion 124
- English 201
- Music Theory III
- Theory III Ear Training
- a choir of some sort (I’m planning on auditioning for the University Choir)
- Applied Voice (private lessons)
- Applied Piano (private lessons)
I’m going to be one busy sophomore!
Anyway, it’s been great blogging for y’all and giving you guys a taste of what it’s like to be a Gonzaga student. I hope you enjoyed reading my entries, and I’ll leave y’all with this track. Good luck with your college endeavors!
Heather, Class of 2015
English and Music Education double-major