So far my “almost” first year of college has been quite the ride. First semester wasn’t too challenging because I was taking a lot of 2 credit classes and was 2 credit short of the maximum credit a student can take before paying for extra credits. My second semester, well, let’s just say it has been the opposite! This semester I am taking a total of 18 credits and on top of that, I am involved with Bomb Squad and the Student Dance Choreography Concert which will take place next weekend. This does not lighten my workload at all. So, coming into second semester with the classes I had first semester did not help me at all. 🙁 I’ve found myself spending more time on homework and studying than I did first semester. I guess I “slacked” too much first semester and it bled onto second semester. So my lesson for the semester is, DON’T SLACK AND STUDY UNTIL YOU FULLY UNDERSTAND THE TOPIC! ^_^
The classes I am taking this semester are:
-Survey of Western Civilization
-Hebrew Bible
-Philosophy 201- Human Nature
-Intro to Statistics
-Intro to Literature
-Intro to sociology