Security Escorts & SafeRide

The Logan neighborhood is relatively safe but as with any neighborhood, crimes do occur.   Caution should always be exercised when walking through the neighborhood, particularly after dark.  If you are out after dark, it is always safest to travel in groups, the larger the better.  As often as possible, you should have at least one cell phone within the group.  It is recommended that you program the number for Gonzaga Security (509-313-2222) in your cell phone for emergency use.  Should you find yourself in a position where you believe your safety to be questionable or compromised, there are several options. 

Other than walking with friends, one option for intra-campus and Logan neighborhood transportation is an escort provided by Gonzaga Security.  This service is designed to help those that really need it for safety purposes, and should not be viewed or used as a regular shuttle service. We will not give escorts to bars, parties, businesses, downtown, etc…  

If you need to utilize a security escort, it is likely the Officer will not be able to contact you to indicate they have arrived to pick you up.  Please be ready to go when you call for the service, and be watching for their arrival.

For students who find themselves in a position of compromised safety outside the boundaries of the Logan neighborhood, there is the option of requesting a SafeRide by calling 509-568-8000.  The SafeRide Program is designed to help ensure students who find themselves in a position of compromised safety are ensured of safe transportation back to campus, and a position of safety.  This means if you are a current student, and the situation arises that you find yourself stranded, abandoned, or suddenly in a position where your personal security is in danger, we’ll get you back to campus safely. 

SafeRide was not designed to be a planned or scheduled free ride, for students who intend on going off campus.  Local concerts, sporting events, and planned downtown dinners are activities that normally include planning and coordination for transportation to and from campus.

SafeRide was also not designed to be a Logan Neighborhood transportation system.  There are other options for GU students who live on and near campus.  SafeRide will not transport students between residences in the Logan Neighborhood, nor will they transport students further from campus, to parties, to bars, local businesses, etc….

As always, students are always encouraged and welcome to contact Gonzaga Security  (509-313-2222) with any questions they have as they plan to safely participate in on and off campus activities.

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