I am a Gonzaga MBA – alumni videos
Have you seen our new landing page for prospective MBA students? You can find it at www.gonzaga.edu/mba. It features a chart comparing the value of Gonzaga’s MBA to other regional options. Additionally, we are compiling video testimonies from MBA alums. Ezra Eckhardt (’02), Executive VP of Umpqua Bank and Jaunessa Walsh (’07), Co-founder and Co-owner of Farm Girl Fit are our first two stars. Please share these videos on your social media sites!
If you have an idea of an alum we should feature (including yourself), please contact Adriane Leithauser at leithauser@gonzaga.edu.
We will be rolling out a similar page for prospective MAcc students soon.
You can visit our traditional Graduate School of Business page at www.gonzaga.edu/GradBusiness