Spring break for us GU students starts soon, and I’m actually pretty excited to go home!
I’m planning on spending a great deal of time with my family. My mother and my sister are moving to Texas in a few weeks, and I’m going to help them pack up our house and move things into storage. Despite this significant change, I feel it’ll be a good thing for them. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to see them often, so I’m definitely taking advantage of the break to be with them and the rest of my family, like my cousins and aunts.
I’m looking forward to seeing my old friends from high school as well! Some friends I haven’t seen since August, and many things came up and altered our plans in the past few months so now I’ll have a chance to finally see them. I can’t wait!
The past few weeks have been very busy for me, with choir rehearsals, LRL meetings, RHA meetings, work, classes, and homework. This break is a blessing for me, a great time to just sit down and breathe after a busy semester.
Here’s a peaceful tune I discovered a few days ago. Enjoy, and see you guys after break is over!
Heather, Class of 2015
English and Music Education double-major