It’s been a busy busy time for me lately, so I apologize for not posting sooner!
I came into Gonzaga last year as a first-year English major interested in education, set on becoming a high school teacher. However, my views on other careers have broadened since last semester.
I’ve always been interested in psychology and the way people work as individuals. You know those silly quizzes in teen magazines that you could take and figure out your clothing style or your ideal celebrity best friend? (This might be more familiar to girls, so boys, I’m sorry!) Yep, as a 13-year-old I loved those quizzes!
The Myers-Briggs test is a bit like those quizzes, only this test is used to give people a general idea of careers they might be interested in pursuing. It’s a personality inventory-you answer a series of questions and you can find out what your personality type is.
I took this test twice, once last summer from a book called Please Understand Me. At the time, I had an INFJ personality, or Introverted-Intuitive-Feeling-Judging. I’m basically a reserved person who can easily pick up on others’ emotions and works well with having a structure to her day.
I had the opportunity to take it again through The Harry Potter Club of Gonzaga, and the results were used to “Sort” us into Houses. (I was sorted into Gryffindor, booyah!) My results were almost the same, except for one letter (INFP). I’m pretty much the same, only I’ve become less disorganized!
It’s always a good idea to have some sort of idea as to what you want to do in your life career-wise. However, it’s not a bad thing to consider and even change your plans. It takes a lot of maneuvering and a little paperwork (such as changing your major).
And don’t feel like you need to choose something right now, before entering college-keep an open mind and know what you would like in a career!
Until next time! Here’s another peaceful tune I stumbled across.
Heather, Class of 2015
English and Music Education double-major