The shortest and yet longest weekend trip of my life was the weekend me and my friend Krissy went to Munich, Germany. The reason why it was the shortest weekend trip was because we only really got 1 full day in Munich to explore the city. But, the reason why it was the longest trip of my life was because of our horrible planning. We booked our flight with the cheap airline called “RyanAir.” Our flight flew into the Frankfurt Hahn airport, when our hostel was in Munich, Germany. We knew we would have to take a bus or a train to Munich, but the moment we got into Frankfurt, we realized we flew into one of the smallest airports we have ever seen. It was smaller than Spokane’s airport! So trying to figure out how to get to Munich was interesting. A factor that worked in our favor was that Germans are some of the nicest people on the planet and are willing to go out of their way to help anyone who looks lost. We found a bus, and took the first one we saw into the main Frankfurt airport. Once we got there, we had to take a train from the Main Frankfurt train station into Munich. Our hostel was right around the block from the Munich train station. By the time we got to our hostel, it was around midnight. So we decided to stay in and get a good night’s sleep so we could explore the city the next day.
The next day, we walked around Munich and visited one of their most famous breweries and beer halls, The Augustiner. We had a typical German meal and our first German beer. People don’t lie when they say that Germans like to drink. We saw some men drinking beers at 9:30 AM and they weren’t homeless! It was very weird to see! Even though we had a blast in Germany, and wish we could go back, our journey back to Florence was absolutely HORRIBLE! We had to take a train at around 2 am from Munich to the Main Frankfurt airport, and then catch a bus from the airport back the Frankfurt Hahn airport. So all in all, we pulled an all nighter just travelling… The bus ride back to the Frankfurt Hahn airport was one of the worst experiences of my life. Somebody got sick on the bus, and had puked. We had to sit on the bus for 2 hours while smelling that horrible smell. But we finally got there, and had a few hours until our flight left. So we ended up sleeping on the floor of the Frankfurt Hahn airport.
Even though we were horrible at planning this weekend trip, I will never forget it. It is a memory that I will always remember because looking back on it now, we can only laugh at ourselves. Studying abroad has taught me so much. This trip taught me that sometimes, things don’t go according to plan, but you just have to go with the flow. Sometimes, there is nothing you can do. But hey, that is just fine with me! :]
<img src=”” alt=”My first German beer!” />
<img src=”” alt=”Most beautiful Park I have ever seen! ” />
<img src=”” alt=”YUM!” /><img src=”
” alt=”Germans Love the Zags too!” />