So, it has definitely been a while since my last post….. my bad! I’ve been really busy this semester mostly with the Hawai`i-Pacific Islanders Club and BRIDGE.
For this post, I wanted to focus on a preorientation program known as BRIDGE. For those of you who don’t know about BRIDGE, it stands for Building Relationships In Diverse Gonzaga Environments. What this program does is it helps students get adjusted to the campus and helps them with finding classrooms, buying books, getting their ID cards, and moving in early. (Keep in mind this could be you! GREAT Benefits!) Normally, this happens the week before orientation and, let me just say, magic happens during this week.
Every year, students come from all over the place and form this bond with each other that is comparable to the bond of a family. When I participated in BRIDGE, I remember meeting so many people in such a short amount of time and thinking that I would soon forget about them as I transitioned into the Gonzaga Community. However, this year, all three of my roommates did BRIDGE with me and my best friend was a BRIDGE participant. In the past year, he has been a big support for me especially since we are both so far away from home.
A typical BRIDGE week would include tons of ice breakers, an ice cream social, a dance, some community service, tours of Gonzaga and Spokane, buying books and finding your id, skit making, having fun! and sooo much more. I am lucky enough to be a coordinator for the program this year, so if you have any questions about BRIDGE, feel free to send them my way!

Here is a video from my BRIDGE year!!
Ruben ’14
Accounting and Human Resource Management