The following classes are available for registration for the Fall 2017. Students can add them at any time before the class begins. The regular add deadline does not apply.
If a student would like to take more than one, it is possible that Zagweb will block the registration. To register for a second class, call the Registrar’s office at 313-6592.
Business Intelligence Skills with Excel: Introduction – Ta-Tao Chuang
Offered twice: Sept. 29-Oct. 1 and Oct. 27-29
4-9 p.m. Friday, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. Saturday, and 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. Sunday
In the era of big data, business professionals are expected to possess knowledge and skills of data analysis to draw insights from massive data, make data-driven decisions and take action on data. The purpose of the course is to equip students with basic concepts, skills and techniques of selected technology in the rapidly expanding field to meet such expectations. While basic concepts are introduced, the pedagogical approach of the course is hands-on, project-based learning. By working on small projects in class, students will learn a set of self-service business intelligence tools (Power BI for Excel), which are built on top of Microsoft’s Excel. The Power BI stack consists of four tools: Power Query: data acquisition, Power Pivot: data preparation, Power View: data visualization, Power Map: 3-D data visualization. Prerequisite: BUSN111 or familiar with Excel
Emergency Preparedness – John Meekhof
Oct. 13-14
4-10 p.m. Friday and 9 a.m. – 8 p.m. Saturday
Emergency Preparedness: What do forest fires, cyber attacks, pandemics and power outages all have in common? They can take a business, large or small, to its knees without sufficient emergency preparedness plans in place. Human-made and natural emergencies happen, is your business ready? Emergency Preparedness is a back-burner issue for most business managers, until the unthinkable happens they never thought would happen. This class gives a real world overview of why, and more importantly how, strategic business owners keep emergency preparedness on the front burner. Entrepreneurs risk everything to start a new business… but once that business gets rolling, why risk what they’ve created by failing to do a little disaster planning?
Non-Profit Management II – Jamie Borgan
Nov. 4-5
9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Saturday and Sunday
This class is the second in a three-class series on non-profit management. This class will cover non-profit governance and leadership. Students can take one, two, or all three classes in the series.
9-4:30 Saturday/Sunday
Non-Profit Management III – Jamie Borgan
Dec. 2-3
9 a.m. to 4:30 Saturday/Sunday
This class is the third in a three-class series on non-profit management. This class will focus on social enterprise. Students can take one, two, or all three classes in the series.
Image and Reputation – Stephanie Vigil
Nov. 4-5
9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Saturday and Sunday
Whether it’s personal or professional, everyone has an image. You have a self-image and others have an image of you. Over time, you develop a reputation. What does your image say about you? Whether through social media, personal interaction, or word of mouth, your image and reputation can determine whether you prosper. This course is designed to support you in your endeavors to build, maintain, and even repair your personal and professional image and reputation.
Sustainability Accounting – Cathy DeHart
Nov. 10-12
3-6 p.m. Friday, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Saturday, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.; Sunday 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Commitment to sustainable practices is increasing in business organizations. But how do organizations measure this “nonfinancial performance” and how have organizations made sustainability profitable? In this course, students will learn about the evolution of sustainability accounting and how environmental, social, and governance (ESG) initiatives help companies to achieve the “Triple Bottom Line.” The course will include case studies and hands-on activities.
Leadership – Brian Newberry
Nov. 17-19
4-8 p.m. Friday, 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Saturday, 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. Sunday
Leadership–how business and leadership march together on fundamental and timeless leadership lessons…a case study of the art and science of military success and leadership that underlies the American business juggernaut of Google, Amazon and Apple
Project Management at Boeing (Two Sunday night sessions 6-8 p.m. Sept. 10 and Sept. 17 at Gonzaga; Bus ride to Renton begins at 5 p.m. Thursday Sept. 21. Hotel provided. Class at Boeing on Friday, Sept. 22 with return bus ride on Friday afternoon)
This includes a free trip to Boeing in Renton, WA. This one credit hour course provides students an introduction to how The Boeing Company executes and manages aerospace projects through an immersive visit to their production facility near Seattle, WA. Approximately four hours of project management preparatory work which will take place on the Gonzaga campus prior to spending approximately 8 hours on the Boeing campus.
Students will be provided a one-of-a-kind opportunity to view commercial aircraft being assembled on a production line before they take to the sky. In addition, students will receive a brief introduction of skills necessary to manage a wide range of projects at The Boeing Company including: project planning, task scheduling, and project reporting.
Also included will be a hands-on experience with implementation of a project and a cross-talk with Boeing employees designed to give students a chance to learn from a company filled with inquisitive, energetic, enterprising and talented people.
Open to all Majors, however will be especially beneficial to those students who are in Business (Finance, Management Information Systems or Operations and Supply Chain Management) or Engineering degree paths.
If you are registered for a class on Friday, Zagweb will not let you register because of the time conflict of your Friday travel to Boeing. You can call the Registrar’s office (313-6592) to have this restriction overwritten. However, it will be up to the instructors of your Friday classes as to whether your absence will be excused.
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