Michael Andersen’s SA Blog entry #1

Mike Andersen, Cadre III Junior; Majoring: History/Minoring: Spanish with a Concentration: Leadership Studies

September 16, 2013

I decided to go abroad to Argentina, because I wanted to study abroad in a Spanish speaking country since that is my minor but now it has turned into a Latin American studies major. I always thought that I would be going to Spain for my study abroad but that did not work out. Instead I chose Argentina, because Gonzaga recently opened the program and I thought it would be a great opportunity. So far it has lead me to study and explore Mexico for six weeks, backpack through Peru for a week, visit the great city of Buenos Aires and Argentina as well as travel to Chile and next month Uruguay. Traveling through Latin America has allowed me to broaden my horizons so much and without I am glad I chose here instead of Spain…not to say anything bad about Spain.

Most of all I hope to gain a better understanding of myself. However, since I have been in Latin America for thirteen weeks I have seen a significant amount of personal growth. I have found myself in so many difficult situations where I was only able to speak Spanish and even in English these situations would scare me. Yet being forced to overcome these situations in Spanish has push me outside of my comfort zone and allowed me to grow. Lastly I am working very hard to improve my spanish before I leave.

So far I miss my friends and being able to order things in English. Also I miss having friendly conversations with people at places such as the COG (now called the BARC) or crosby cafe. Writing this I am thinking about how much I miss Peach Kay. I have not ordered anything in English in thirteen weeks.

Michael at Casa Rosada and Plaza de Mayo in Buenos Aires.
Michael at a zoo outside of Buenos Aires petting a lion.

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