Senior Design: Mind Palace
BBC television program inspired one group of computer science students to create a virtual reality program to help people memorize information. The …
Senior Projects are managed through the Center for Engineering Design and Entrepreneurship
BBC television program inspired one group of computer science students to create a virtual reality program to help people memorize information. The …
Properties of concrete depend completely on what additives a user mixes in. Most building projects use a variety of rocks, but previous …
A group of mechanical engineers proposed to take a donated diesel engine and replace its camshaft with something that could improve its …
The Outstanding Sponsor of the Year for 2016 – 2017 is AVISTA. AVISTA has col-laborated with Gonzaga’s CEDE program for over 20 …
The CEDE Excellence Award is presented to recognize an outstanding contribution to the Senior Design Program. The 2017 CEDE Excellence Award is …
In the early 19th century, Louis Braille invented a method of communication for the blind and sight-impaired. Today in the School of …
I love the way engineers consider the world and the way engineering education challenges the conventions of rote memorization. I remember one …
Look around at anything built or retrofitted since the mid-1980s in Spokane County, the City of Spokane or Spokane Valley and you …