Recently, SOE’s Sport and Physical Education students collaborated with School Counseling students to help understand their role as mentors in their field. as well as provide suggestions for dealing with difficult situations.  Armed with potential 10 scenarios, EDPE students took turns acting as struggling “students/youths” or “adults,” or as a mentor offering advice and support (coach, trainer, teacher, etc.). School Counseling students observed the interactions and offered probing questions or extra assistance if needed, as well as giving feedback on verbal and nonverbal communication.

Scenarios included:

  • Student “A” has not been playing well in their sport over the last few months, there is added stress from taking advanced placement courses in high school and the pressure from their parents to do well enough in their sport to get a full ride scholarship. The student meets with his/her coach to talk about the stresses that are affecting their performance.
  • You are working with a new client at your gym, they have expressed that they have never really worked out in the past and they are very nervous to get started with a workout plan. They tell you that they would like to lose 20 pounds and the struggle has been that they have used unhealthy food to help them through a divorce over the past year. What are some ways you can create a welcoming environment for the client and assist them with starting their workout plan?
  • You have a boss that is a very poor communicator. He/she never says what they really want from you and does not allow you the time to ask questions. Therefore, you asses each project on your own and do they best you can, but you are constantly being reprimanded for not doing things “the right way.” You set up a meeting wth your boss to try to create a better work environment and lines of communication. What are some things you would say to your boss about the communications challenges?