Getting involved on campus

One of the things that I LOVE about Gonzaga is the number of programs and clubs it has to offer to its students. There are so many ways that students can get involved, it’s not even funny. In high school I tried to be involved in volunteer programs and cultural clubs, and now here in Gonzaga I’ve gotten the opportunity to be part of various extracurricular activities that I would’ve never thought of joining before. Of course I won’t be able to mention EVERY single one of them but I will try to list some of the many programs that I’m a part of or the ones that I’ve heard of.

Comprehensive Leadership Program (CLP): Program designed to “develop leaders for the common good.” I learned about this program at the beginning of freshmen year. Not many freshmen know about it and miss the application deadline (apps are usually available towards the end of Fall semester).  The great thing about this program is that only 40 students get admitted and you basically get the opportunity to take courses with that same group throughout your four years at GU. You get to learn about leadership in the context of self-identity, the various theories of leadership, profiles in leadership and much more!

Campus Kids: Along with this mentoring program there are many more like: GAME, Earthbound, S.M.I.L.E, Zag Study Buddies, etc. Every program works differently; some you get to visit the school of your mentee and others bring the students to Gonzaga. Freshmen and sophomore year I was a mentor of a 6th grader. One day of the week (depending on which day you are available) they brought our “mentee” to campus and another day we were expected to visit them at their school. One of the things that I really loved about CK was that you get to work with the same student every weekend, so you get that mentor-mentee relationship and really get to know your student at a more personal level.

Cultural Clubs: La Raza Latina, BSU, FASU, HPIC, Chinese Club, ISU (International Student Union), Italian Club,  Japanese Club, and many more. A lot of students are part of more than one club, sounds crazy but it is manageable. Unlike high school where meetings were during the lunch hour, here in Gonzaga meetings tend to be at night or when most students are available. I know that cultural clubs try to have their meetings on different days, that way they won’t overlap. But remember don’t overwhelm yourself by trying to be a part of everything, because sometimes it is exhausting. Try to pick the things you are most passionate about.

Volunteer Programs: The two things that come to mind are April’s Angels and Campus Kitchen. There are many many more , so don’t think these are the only two. You would be amazed to learn about all the volunteer opportunities that there are here in Gonzaga, so many that you can always find the perfect fit! To tell you more about April’s Angels it takes place around April 14th and it is a one-day volunteer event where Gonzaga students work together to renovate and air the local neighborhoods and community. Since it is such a big event there is usually more than one site, so you can do anything from gardening, cleaning parking spaces, painting murals, dusting, moving furniture, etc.

This picture is from Dream Act Week -an event put together by La Raza Latina to raise awareness about the DREAM ACT (acronym for Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors)

This picture was taken during a Club Fair at the beginning of the year. It’s always a great way to learn about all the clubs at GU!

Leaving our hand print on the wall! Throughout the semester there are various clubs/programs that have students sign the wall, leave your handprint, or something similar to show your support

This picture is from my sophomore year when I was part of April’s Angels. We spent the day painting the “music room”

Remember: Being involved is one of the most important aspects of your college education. Not only that but it is a great way to make new friends and have new experiences!

Elizabeth Class of ’13
International Studies of Latin America, Art & Spanish
