Wow!! Fall family weekend was incredibly busy but so, so, so much fun! It was really nice because my parents AND grandparents came up to visit me up at Gonzaga. It was really cool because they got to see the new house I moved into this year and got to meet the housemates they didn’t already know. Friday night we went to my favorite new Spokane restaurant, Mizuna’s (if you visit GU, this is a must!) with two of my best friends. Then Saturday I was busy all day selling Kennel Club t-shirts while my parents went to Greenbluff (one of the coolest things about Spokane), which is a huge area north of town where there are 40+ farms that sell pumpkins and apples and all types of cool things, as well as pumpkin canons, hay rides, and corn mazes! By far the best part of the weekend was watching the intra-squad basketball scrimmage known as Kraziness in the Kennel! Man oh man does our team look great! The stand out was Freshman Kevin Pangos who scored 16 points in the 15 minute scrimmage! I can’t wait for our first game this Friday! Also, check out the attached YouTube video to see the actual zombie nation at this years Kraziness!!
Go Zags!!!