Gonzaga’s culture of academic support: Here for you!

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What we want you to know is the culture of support here may be unique to what you experienced at other Institutions. Gonzaga faculty and staff truly want to help you succeed. We are all very willing to help, so just reach out – ask for help, ask those questions! Honest to goodness, we consider helping you integral to our job.

Some of the support services that GU offers:

Office Hours:

Every professor will have certain hours they can guarantee they will be in their office for you to come by. If you can’t make it to their office hours, reach out and ask for another time.

Free Tutoring:

The second you think you may not be ‘getting it’, check out tutoring. There are Departmental Group Tutoring times and if you need more individualized help, the Learning Studio can connect you with a free one-on-one tutor. This is a great way to keep you caught up.

Disability Access Office:

This office is here to help establish accommodations for students with permanent and or temporary conditions. If you have a disability, reach out and begin the process for acquiring accommodations. If you are unsure if you have a medical condition that qualifies for disability accommodations,  call (509) 313-4134 or come into the Disability Access office (Foley Library 209) and talk to a staff member.

The Writing Center:

If you need help on an assignment from the brainstorming phase all the way through to final draft polishing, the Writing Center can help you! The Center is also a great space to just go and write. It’s located on the first floor of the Foley Center Library.

Academic Advisors:

Depending on your major, you will be assigned a specific faulty advisor. These advisors can be a true resource for you as you pursue your degree, so do make sure to meet with them periodically. We know that sometimes transferring in credits can be confusing and you may have some very specific questions about how and why your credits transferred in the way that they did. Start by talking with your Faculty Advisor. If they are not sure on some of the specifics of your transfer, reach out to one of the Advisors in the Academic Advising and Assistance office for additional support.  The earlier you have questions and reach out the better- everyone wants to help you stay on track to graduate – no surprise extra semesters here!

Study Abroad:

Just because you are a transfer student, doesn’t mean you can’t take advantage of the opportunity to Study Abroad! Check out the programs and reach out to the Center for Global Engagement (CGE) to learn more about the programs and how that can fit into your academic plan!

Not sure where to start?

Again, it can only start by you reaching out to ask. Come by the TVRAS office or call or email. We will be happy to hear what you need and help connect you with the right resources on campus!




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