Academic Read #3: Ten Reasons To Go On a Pre-Orientation Program

From our Mission Statement: “The Gonzaga Experience fosters a mature commitment to dignity of the human person, social justice, diversity, intercultural competence…”

Gonzaga University offers five optional, fee-based Pre-Orientation Programs that you can find more about HERE. We know what you’re thinking: “Why would anyone want to leave early and cut their summer short?!” What you may not realize is that these Programs can be the catalyst to ignite your Gonzaga Experience; a chance to fully immerse yourself in your new home and community. You may have already received our brochure in the mail outlining what each Program has to offer. Below are just a few of the endless reasons why YOU should attend a Pre-Orientation Program.

  1. Each Program has a specific theme, which makes it a little easier to make friends who have similar interests, passions, and experiences.
  2. After meeting these new friends, you won’t have to eat alone in the BARC for the first few weeks of school!
  3. Be introduced to and explore the greater Spokane community.
  4. Move in early- probably before your roommate so you get first dibs on which side of the room you want.
  5. Challenge yourself! Moving to a new place with new people can be scary, but this is a chance to take full advantage of the “unknown” and transform it into unlimited potential.
  6. Have an opportunity to reflect on your journey thus far— the “your” of Ignite Your Spirit.
  7. Experience the amazing Gonzaga community—the “our” of Ignite Your Spirit.
  8. Attend Orientation events with your new best buds you meet during your Program.
  9. Learn about the campus resources, upperclassmen, faculty, and staff to help you Ignite Your Spirit.
  10. It is a fun, challenging, humbling way to end your summer and begin your college journey.

IGNITE Question: What Pre-Orientation Programs sound interesting to you? Why do YOU want to attend one of these programs?

*Special thanks to our student contributors: Kyle Hubbard, Allison Fernandez, Breda Bosch, Ally Crha, Noah Johnson, Jen O’Toole, Sheridan Kearns, April Aaronson, Kevin Ward, Emily Pierre, Jeff Kvamme, Daniel Bladow

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