Speakers and Events

This page includes examples of recent speakers and events in the SBA.

Academic Year 2024-2025

Ryan Herzog on small town economics
On Feb. 10, 2025, economics professor Ryan Herzog spoke on CBS News about the impact of a single major employer closing on small-town communities that depend on that employer. The clip is available here.

Spring SBA Student Organization Expo
On Jan 30, seven SBA clubs and organizations held the SBA Student Organization Expo in the Jepson Lobby. Beta Alpha Psi, Gonzaga Sport Consulting Group, GU Supply Chain Association, Real Estate Club, Society for Human Resource Management, Women in Business, and Zags Business+Tech hosted tables to inform students of their activities and invite participation.

Ethics Week
Ethics Week was celebrated during the week of Oct. 21. The events included:
Two members of the Barry-Wehmiller Leadership & Outreach Team came to campus for three days. David Pickersgill engaged with several classes, discussing Humanistic Leadership and its connection to business leadership as a noble vocation. David and Brian Wellinghoff hosted a breakfast meeting with the Fall SBA HLA Cohort, and David Pickersgill met with faculty and staff interested in incorporating Humanistic Leadership into their courses. On Oct. 22, the Aram Lecture on Business Ethics was held at the Woldson Center, featuring Gonzaga University President Thayne McCulloh, speaking on “If You Only Knew: Ethical Leadership & The University Presidency.”

Careers in Accounting
On Oct. 28, 2024, the Accounting discipline held the Careers in Accounting Panel, featuring the following professionals: Melissa Webb (Tax Partner – Eide Bailly), Amelia Magruder (Senior Accountant – Schweitzer Engineering), Jared Crooks (CFO – Spokane Eye Clinic), and Nick Fuller (Financial Planner – Quantum Financial Planning).

Careers in Finance
On Oct. 14, 2024 the Finance discipline hosted a Careers in Finance Day, which included the following: a “Careers in Finance: A Day in the Life” panel presentation, a social with students, a Women in Finance panel discussion, and an Investment Management panel.

Business and Technology Talk
On Sept. 27, 2024, the student club Zags Business+Tech hosted guest speaker Bryce Parsons, Class of 2020, for a discussion and Q&A on the role of design in business and technology. Bryce is a Management Consultant at Slalom based in San Francisco, specializing in helping clients innovate on both new and existing technology products for their businesses and customers. The title of the speech was “An Introduction to Design as a Career in Business and Technology.”

Careers in Economics Day
On Sept. 11, 2024, Spokane Mayor Lisa Brown spoke with Gonzaga students on the Importance of Making Economics More Inclusive.

SBA Student Organization Expo
On Sept. 4, nine SBA clubs and organizations held the first SBA Student Organization Expo in the Jepson Lobby. Beta Alpha Psi, Collegiate DECA, Gonzaga Sport Consulting Group, GU Investment Group, GU Supply Chain Association, New Venture Lab, Society for Human Resource Management, Women in Business, and Zags Business+Tech hosted tables to inform students of their activities and invite participation.

Project Idea Exchange
On Aug. 21, 2024, entrepreneur-in-residence Kelli Thompson hosted the first-ever Project Idea Exchange. This event brought together NVL program directors, School of Business faculty, and entrepreneurs interested in applying as projects or advisors. The event led to the recruitment of several new advisors. Faculty also found potential classroom projects, and entrepreneurs were introduced to valuable connections. The New Venture Lab program directors built strong networks and gained valuable insights. 

Academic Year 2023-2024

AICPA Speaker
On April 29, 2024, American Institute of CPAs Chair Okorie Ramsey presented and held a Q&A session for students on the state of the accounting profession. Okorie discussed the multi-faceted approach the AICPA is undertaking in collaboration with state societies to ease the barriers to entry, expand diversity, and educate students on the potential opportunities a career in accounting can hold.

Faith and Business
On March 6, 2024, Visiting Executive Sam Mascareno of accounting firm RSM spoke with students about how his faith informs and strengthens his foundation for success as a professional.

Leadership in the Classroom
On March 24, 2024, two members of the leadership team from Barry-Wehmiller, a global supplier of manufacturing technology and services based in St. Louis, Missouri, will led a workshop on “Leadership in the Classroom and Across Campus: Integrating Mindset and Behavior” for SBA staff and faculty. The workshop explored how trust, accountability, candor, and recognition show up in the classroom and across campus. 

Marketing Career Development Workshop
On March 1, 2024, two members of the SBA’s Marketing Advisory Board Aaron Sanchez, creative director at LinkedIn and Patrick Byers, founder of Outsource Marketing, conducted a workshop on career development that included strategizing and building the “personal brand,” developing career goals and professional values, and creating a LinkedIn profile and using it as a student.

Careers in Marketing – Panel Presentation
On March 1, 2024, students attended a panel presentation on developing careers in the field of marketing. Alumni panelists included:
Veronica Ahern – Director of Product Management, Oracle
John Hatton – Senior Field Specialist, Rivian
Stephanie Murphy – Senior Product Manager, Amazon
Shelby Reed – Director of Business Applications, Microsoft
Tyler Tullis – Vice President of Client Engagement, DH

Speed Networking Event with University Regents
On Feb. 23, 2024, students attended a lunch and speed networking event with the Regents of the university.

Careers in Finance – Multiple Panel Presentations
On Oct. 16, 2023, students attended three panel presentations:

Career in Finance
Kevin McQuilkin, GU School of Business, Moderator
David Bigelow, Coldstream Capital, Wealth Management
Allison Brandt, Bank of America, Commercial Banking
Anvita Mishra, Hecla Mining, Corporate Finance
Michael McIntyre, Chinook Capital Advisors, Investment Banking
Linda Underwood, Banner Bank, Corporate Finance

Wealth Management Panel
Chris Barto, Washington Trust, Wealth Management
David Bigelow, Coldstream Capital, Wealth Management
Jill McEntee, RBC Wealth Management, Wealth Management
Stefanie Page, UBS, Wealth Management

Women in Finance Panel
Allison Brandt, Bank of America, Commercial Banking
Jill McEntee, RBC Wealth Management, Wealth Management
Anvita Mishra, Hecla Mining, Corporate Finance
Stefanie Page, UBS, Wealth Management
Heather Stratford, Drip 7, FinTech

Sean McKenzie from Engie
On Nov. 20, 2023, Sean McKenzie, Manager of Sustainable Resource Management Operations at ENGIE Insight, was a guest speaker in Cathy DeHart’s ACCT 260 classes and had lunch with faculty.

Mark Odegard from Measure Meant
On Oct. 11, 2023, Mark Odegard, one of the founders of the local consulting firm, Measure Meant, which is focused on helping businesses become B-Corporations, spoke with Adriane Leithauser’s ethics classes and had lunch with faculty.

Academic Year 2022-2023

Careers in MIS with Graham Morehead from Pangeon
On April 12, 2023, Graham Morehead, CEO of Pangeon, presented on the topic of chatbots and how AI has an impact on MIS careers and business jobs in general.

Careers in Operations
On April 17, 2023, a panel of experts in operations and supply chain management talked with students. Topics include career paths, what it takes to land a job as a college graduate, and what firms are looking for in potential employees.

Ray Eby from 3M
On March 29, 2023, Ray Eby, President of 3M’s Personal Safety Division gave a presentation on “Managing a global business in a chaotic world.” Eby led the personal safety division (think PPE and masks) through unprecedented times. In addition to speaking to students, Eby met with faculty.
