Day 1

Day 1:  We hit the ground Running.  First we got out conference badges and packets.  Next it was figuring out which sessions to attend.  Since Kim and I have different roles within Gonzaga’s Blackboard System, we, of course, had different sessions to attend.

Opening Keynote:

However, before that was to begin, we and the other 3000 attendees from all over the world convened in the Venetian ballroom for the Opening Keynote.  The Opening Keynote Speaker was Klay Shirky.  Here Comes Everybody, the bestseller by Clay Shirky, made nothing less than the Guardian list of the 100 greatest nonfiction books of all time. It explores how the Internet has enabled the public to do something hardly possible before: organize ourselves around an idea without the help (or constraints) of an existing institution. Power to the people, 21st century style.

Watch the entire Keynote: YouTube Preview Image


Exhibit Hall

After the keynote, it was time for the doors to open to the exhibit hall and enjoy the opening reception with fellow Blackboarders from around the world. Lots of various vendors and Blackboard departments were in full force to help answer questions and show of their latest products. Exploring the vendors and meeting fellow Blackboard clients are great ways to learn about what other institutions are doing. Here are some images.

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