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Last Journal Club for the Summer – Wed., July 23rd, 10:00 am

Posted by: ws-fgilbert | July 20, 2014 | No Comment |

Explore interesting and unpredictable topics that will stretch your horizons at Journal Club!

What is Journal Club?

Journal Club is meant to be informal, enjoyable, and intellectually stimulating. It’s a place for anyone in the Gonzaga community to explore ideas and research that interests them. It’s a community of students, faculty, and staff who gather together to say, “This is what I’m reading, this is what I’m interested in, and this is what I’m thinking.”

When We Meet During the Summer:

10:00 – 11:30 Wed. morning in Tilford, Room 105.

DATES:  July 23

What Are The Benefits?

Journal Club is an opportunity to get to know your fellow students and network with colleagues. It is an excellent platform for developing and improving teaching and presentation skills. It will also enhance your CV!

How Can I Participate?

It’s easy to be a part of Journal Club. You can either take 10 minutes to present a journal article, book chapter, or other scholarly work OR you can just show up and enjoy the dialogue!

It’s Simple To Present!

  • Email Dr. Chris Francovich (francovich@gonzaga.edu) or Faith Gilbert (gilbert.faith@gmail.com) to let them know you would like to present.
  • You will have up to 10 minutes to present.
  • During your presentation, briefly be sure to address the following:

1. What is the purpose or main focus of the reading?

2. What are the broad applications of the work to leadership studies or your primary discipline?

3. Describe the intended audience, the article, and include the reference of your literature.

4. What is your response to the author?

  • Bring 10 copies of your presentation notes for the other participants
  • Email your presentation and a copy of your journal article or book chapter to Faith Gilbert (gilbert.faith@gmail.com) so that the article can be uploaded to the Google Archives Drive.
  • You may use PowerPoint, but you do not have to. Presentations are generally informal, and discussion is dynamic.

For more details, go to www.gonzaga.edu/journalclub.

Journal Club is sponsored by the Doctoral Program in Leadership Studies.

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