GU MBA Ranked #29 in the Corporate Knights “2021 Better World MBA” Ranking

We are honored to be recognized among the Top 30 in the Corporate Knights “2021 Better World MBA” Ranking! This ranking is unique in that it focuses on sustainability.

Corporate Knights evaluated 147 MBA programs around the world, and Gonzaga ranked #29. Only seven U.S. programs are ranked higher than Gonzaga.

“As part of our Jesuit identity, we are called by our mission statement to educate students ‘for lives of leadership and service for the common good’ and ‘with responsible stewardship of our physical, financial, and human resources,’” said Mirjeta Beqiri, director of GU’s MBA programs. “This ranking highlights the commitment of the MBA programs and the School of Business Administration to further this mission toward making the world a better place. It speaks to the dedicated efforts by our faculty and students for a more sustainable world.” 

Click HERE to read the full news release.

We want to thank the faculty for your ongoing efforts to incorporate sustainability-related topics into your courses and for challenging students to explore the true purpose of business in the world. To the students, thank you for accepting your calling to be a business leader that impacts the world for good. Our MBA program would not be what it is today without each of you.

Go forth and set the world on fire!

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