Hello everyone!

My name is Elizabeth and I am currently a Junior here at Gonzaga. I am attempting a triple major in Latin American Studies, Art and Spanish, so if you are interested in any of those majors let me know! Anyway I am from Fairfield, California but I also lived in Arizona for a couple of years. With that said, Spokane was the last place I thought I would end up.

It was not until I came for a college visit that I fell in LOVE with the campus. Unlike many I didn’t get the opportunity to come for GEL weekend, so I pretty much learned about the campus through the campus tour I had during Christmas break, the school website (which I think is AMAZING), the YouTube videos, pictures, and student blogs.  The fact that I got to visit the University helped me a lot with my decision, but don’t let that discourage you because if you are unable to come up for a college visit, you can still learn about the campus through our school website and even get some virtual tours of the campus. Just so you know there are students that I have talked to that said they had never visited the campus until the day they got to move in to their dorms! Crazy right? This just goes to show that even if you don’t get the opportunity to experience the GU community prior to your decision there are still ways to learn more about the campus, so take advantage of all those resources!

With that said I would like to leave you with one of my favorite Gonzaga videos that I think explains what the Gonzaga Culture is all about.

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Elizabeth Class of ’13
International Studies of Latin America, Art & Spanish