Hello There!

Hello there! My name’s Heather, and I’m one of the student bloggers for Gonzaga University.

I’m a freshman from Walla Walla, WA, so I’m pretty familiar with certain aspects of Spokane, such as its *ahem* LOVELY weather and stores that I’ve only heard of. Coming from a small Catholic high school, it feels strange to not know everyone’s name! However, Gonzaga certainly feels like home to me.

I’m planning on double-majoring in English and Music Education, and I’m also planning on acquiring my teacher certification, so I have a lot on my plate! Along with that, I’m also in the Women’s Chorus, La Raza Latina, and RHA (Residence Hall Association). It’s a little difficult to squeeze in practice time for my violin, but time management is everything in college!

I’m hoping that many of you are considering Gonzaga. I love it here! Keep your options and minds open, and make careful decisions! It feels like a long time ago, but I remember being in your shoes just a year ago: hurrying to finish applications for scholarships, racing to finish the Common App, reading up on programs in different schools, visiting different campuses… Just a few words of advice, however.

  • Write everything down, especially deadlines. Trust me, it helps.
  • Don’t leave applications to the last minute. Procrastination is never good…
  • Research research research! I found out about great scholarships after their deadlines had passed…

Once again, I hope you are considering Gonzaga!


Heather, Class of 2015
English and Music Education double-major