So Glad To Be Back: Off-Campus Living

After a long, long, long time away from Gonzaga, it is so nice (although a little exhaustive) to get back into the swing of things. I was welcomed back by 2 snow storms the first 2 days of class (ugh that school wasn’t canceled!)

First off, it was time to stock up the pantry for second semester. Living off-campus is quite cool, but also can be challenging at times. I live with 4 of my best friends, only 1 of whom I knew before getting to GU. Also, off-campus living is one thing that is often over looked when applying to college. Here at GU an average house has 4-5 bedrooms with 2-3 baths and a kitchen and 2 living rooms. The rent per person (with each person getting their own room) is, on average about $340 dollars a month excluding about $40 per person for utilities (although if you live in a house with guys who play a lot of video games, use a hot tub, and never turn off the heat, the bill might be a little higher). I know that this is a lot less then some of my friends are paying at the schools they go to for off campus houses. Also, I would like to make the point that you are required to live on campus your freshmen and sophomore year, and many juniors and seniors choose to live on campus.

I have truly loved living off campus for a number of reasons. I finally have to pay my own bills and am completely responsible for taking care of myself. Also, if it snows, you are required to shovel your driveway within 24 hours. You have to take the trash out yourself, cook yourself (although I kept a meal plan too), and all in all take a lot more responsibility than in dorm life. Also, I have had a chance to bond beyond belief with my 4 housemates.

Some draw backs are that it is about a 5 minute walk to campus which can be a drag in the snow, rain and other elements Spokane can throw at you. Also, the additional responsibility can sometimes be a bit much in addition to school work. But those are the only draw backs and as a whole I have had an incredible experience with all parties involved in off-campus housing.

Signing off for now,


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