Things to do in Spokane

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I cannot believe that it is mid-November and the weather is starting to change. Here in Spokane we saw our first significant snowfall this last weekend and it was gorgeous! Nothing makes me more happy than seeing our campus covered in a beautiful blanket of white snow. It is one of the prettiest settings to see the campus in, especially with the lights of St. Al’s shinning over the freshly fallen snow.

A lot has happened since my last post in my life of an ordinary GU student! Lets see, first off, as always a quick update on our stellar mens basketball team! We had 82 tents of students camp out for the last home game against WSU last Monday, thats roughly 450 students camping out last Sunday night for the best seats in the house against our first huge home game of the season, which was broadcast on ESPN! It was the craziest I have ever seen the Kennel and the place was ROCKING!!! Oh and we won, in case anyone had some doubt!

Also, last Thursday night, instead of studying (shhh! don’t tell my mom!), some friends and I went and saw Macklemore perform at a concert in North Spokane. In case you don’t know who Macklemore is, he is a huge up and coming hip-hop artist from Seattle. Even though it was a Whitworth Concert, the vastly Gonzaga crowd got a G-O-N-Z-A-G-A chant going between one of his songs, truly showing what a force Gonzaga is! The concert itself was preformed at the coolest venue, the place is called “The Service Station” and it is a large coffee shop connected to a large auditorium that has an awesome concert atmosphere! AHHH IT WAS SUCH A GREAT CONCERT!!!

Anyhow, that is mostly whats been going on in my life, oh and I won this weeks game of Fantasy Football, no big deal! Until next time!

Happy Thanksgiving!


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