I want to change advisors

If you would like to change faculty advisors, you should do so. The process is simple. Identify your new advisor and work together to complete this form. You do NOT need to contact your former advisor. When the form is completed, send it to the associate dean (kern@gonzaga.edu) for approval. If you need help identifying a new advisor, please contact the associate dean.

First-year and sophomore students are advised through the Academic Advising Center in the basement of Jepson (Room 011). When students are admitted to the School of Business after completing sophomore classes, they are assigned a faculty advisor.

If a student knows a faculty member whom the student feels would be a better advisor and mentor to the student than the assigned faculty advisor, the student should seek to change advisors.

Many students do not change advisors out of concern that the request to change will be perceived negatively by the current faculty advisor. In other words, sometimes students worry about hurting their advisor’s feelings. However, this concern is misplaced. All advisors want to see students be successful. If someone else can do a better job of advising the student, the advisor will want to facilitate a transfer.

The bottom line is this: Students should change advisors if doing so will help the student be more successful.



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