This blog is designed for the School of Business Administration student. Here you will find answers to frequently asked questions about registration, courses, and other aspects of your business education.

Fall 2024
Fall 2024 Registration FAQs
Fall 2024 One-Credit Weekend Classes


Change your advisor
Find your advisor


Registering for an Internship
Completing Internship Requirements

Registration FAQs
Core Designations
Declaration of major/minor/concentration
Degree evaluation
Directed Study
Double-counting of courses
Entrepreneurship and Innovation Concentration
Individualized Concentration
New Venture Lab
Registrar’s Office
Study Abroad course approval process
Substitution Forms
Transfer your summer classes

Other Resources

Reporting sexual harassment and assault
Find My Professor
Advice for the First Day of Class

The School of Business Administration offers several in-person one-credit elective classes. If you are a full-time undergraduate student and have fewer than 18 credits, you can likely take one of these courses as part of your regular tuition. Classes are open to all majors.

These classes can be added even after the add deadline has passed by calling the Registrar at (509) 313-6592. Or by emailing from your Zagmail account and including your student ID number and the CRN of the class. For example: Dear Registrar, I would like to register for CRN 12345.. Thank you. {Your name}

BCSS 240 Be More Like You & Find the Job of Your Dreams
What do you want to do with your life?” This question has daunted college students for generations. How can you possibly answer without the life experience to know? What if there’s a way to uncover your passions, align your unique skills and personality to an industry you love, and build a network of people who can help you along that path!? Based on Tyler Lafferty’s book, Be More Like You, this class provides you the “playbook” and teaches how to answer that question using the IDEAS Framework (Introspection, Design, Exploration, Adaptability & Service). You’ll learn what matters to you, which career paths support who you are as a person, and leave the class with practical strategies and  tactics to find the job of your dreams – “that’s more like you.”
Instructor: Ed Reese, founder of Sixth Man Marketing
Friday 4-10 p.m., Saturday 9 a.m. – 8 p.m.
Feb. 8-9

BCSS 225 Leading Change
Leading change in organizations requires an understanding of the fundamentals of change theory and practice. Students will gain an understanding of frequently used industry change management models, examine organizational change within a real-world context through a case study, and practice the peer-case consulting process as a tool to assist in grappling with and leading adaptive challenges.
Instructor: Dr. Dana Questad, change and transition researcher and consultant with Cambridge Leadership Associates.
Friday 4-8 p.m; Saturday 9 a.m. – 5 p.m; Sunday 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Feb. 28-March 2

BCSS 271 Humanistic Leadership
Humanistic leadership is a leadership approach that emphasizes the importance of human values, dignity, and well-being in guiding organizational practices. It focuses on leading with empathy, ethical considerations, and respect for individuals, fostering an environment where people feel valued and are encouraged to grow personally and professionally.
Feb. 28-March 2
David Pickersgill, Learning Outreach Program Leader, BarryWehmiller

To apply for MKTG 490: Promotion Project, see details below.

BIE stands for Broadening, International, and Experiential. Every business major falls into one of the categories below.

  1. Business students with a single concentration take a Broadening course and either an International or Experiential course.
  2. Business students with two or more concentrations take either an International or Experiential course with these exceptions:
    1. Students with an International Business concentration take either a Broadening, Experiential or 200-level or higher language course.
    2. Students with a concentration in Entrepreneurship and Innovation take a Broadening or an International course.
  3. Economics majors are not required to take a Broadening, International, or Experiential course.
  4. Accounting majors who do not have a business concentration are not required to take a Broadening, International, or Experiential course.
  5. Accounting majors who have a business concentration such as finance take either an International or Experiential course.

A course taken to fulfill a concentration requirement may not be double-counted to satisfy a requirement in the Broadening, International, or Experiential area.

A broadening course is any 300 or 400-level business course not required by the student’s concentration and offered outside the concentration area. For example, MKTG 315 would be a broadening course for a finance concentration.


International course. These classes are designated in Zagweb with the “BU-International” attribute. Commonly offered classes include:

  • BFIN 327 International Finance
  • ECON 311 Global Economic Issues
  • MGMT 355 International Management
  • MKTG 417 International Marketing
  • OPER 348 Qlty Mgmt & Intrnl Standards
  • OPER 440 Global Operations and Supply Chain Management
  • Check Zagweb for the most up-to-date list for each semester. The list above is only the most commonly offered classes.


These classes are designated in Zagweb with the “BU-Experiential” attribute. Common classes include:

  • BUSN 470 Multidisciplinary Act Projects
  • ACCT 471 Forensic Accounting Lab
  • BFIN 429ABC Portfolio Mgmt
  • BUSN 494 Small Business Consulting
  • BUSN 497 Internship (See requirements)
  • Check Zagweb for the most up-to-date list for each semester. The list above is only the most commonly offered classes.

HRM Minor

The Human Resource Management minor provides students with a broad background in HR as well as an awareness of the functional specialties within the field. By developing essential skills in managing people, this minor prepares students to excel in professional roles that require effective leadership and personnel management.

For more information, see your advisor or email Dr. Molly Pepper at

Upper Division (15 credits) *all five courses required
1. MGMT 350 Principles of Management
2. MGMT 400 Recruitment and Selection
3. MGMT 405 Compensation and Performance Appraisal
4. MGMT 410 Training and Development
5. MGMT 415 Employment Law

Lower Division (3 credits) choose one of the following five courses

  • BUSN 230 Business Statistics
  • SOCI 202 Statistics for Social Science
  • PSYC 202 Statistics for Psychology
  • MATH 121 Introductory Statistics
  • MATH 321 Statistics for Experimentalists

Are you interested in learning more about career opportunities in finance? Join us for the inaugural Friday of “Fridays in the Financial Field.” This is a workshop designed to highlight career opportunities for women in the financial planning industry. Led by Sarah Carlson, founder of Financial Life Manager, this program offers an opportunity to learn from an expert in the field.

On Friday afternoon, Sept 27, Carlson will open her conference room for a program that includes:

• Workshop: Gain hands-on experience and practical knowledge of what financial planners do. Sarah Carlson and Jonna Damiano will take you through a presentation for professionals to get motivated and organized in their own financial Life.
• Career Tracks: Discover various career paths within the financial planning field. Sarah Carlson and Jonna Damiano will talk to you about different career tracks of participating and getting started in a career in wealth management.
• Essential Skills: Discuss creativity, problem-solving, communication, grit, resilience, and heart—key skills every financial planner needs. They will share tips for how you can set yourself apart from your peers in pursuing a career in money management.

Only 10 students will be accepted into the program. To apply, please complete the application here (the application requires a 200-300 word statement explaining why you are interested in joining the program and a current resume). The application is due Monday, Sept. 9. Transportation to and from the event will be provided.

Don’t miss this chance to be part of the first workshop in a new series dedicated to empowering women in finance!

Questions? Email Dr. Pepper at

From noon-1 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 4 in the Jepson Lobby, there will be a Student Organization Expo with the various groups. Stop by to see what business clubs and other organizations are doing.

Student membership on the Dean’s Business Forum Board (DBFB) is an opportunity for Gonzaga business students to gain first-hand experience in board-level activities, foster community mentoring relationships, and build networking experiences. For more information on the board, click here.

The term of service, which can be extended at the discretion of the Dean, begins in the fall semester and concludes with the last meeting in the spring semester. Student members fully engage in board discussions, serve on optional task forces and committees, and otherwise engage as regular members of the board. Meetings are generally once a month at 7:15 a.m. Tuesday mornings.

Only a limited number of students can serve on the board. To apply, use this form using your zagmail address to submit your application before Wednesday, Sept. 4.

Questions? Email Dr. Pepper at

Are you interested in non-profits? Do you want hands-on experience in the banking industry? Want to make industry connections before you graduate? Numerica Credit Union is again looking for one junior to serve on its Board of Directors for the 2024-2025 academic year. Being on a board of directors is a prestigious post. This is an opportunity to learn about the inner workings of a financial institution and to network with people in the industry. The opportunity is open to all business, accounting, and economics students. Accounting and finance students may find it most in line with their course work, but it is good experience for any business student who is looking for experience in non-profits, community organizations, or servant leadership.

Gonzaga has had several students earn this prestigious position over the years. It is a great way to build your resume and apply your classroom learning.

To qualify, you must be a junior-level business or accounting major and be able to commit to two years of service to the Board as a non-voting member. You will be expected to contribute to the board including attendance at meetings on the fourth Monday of each month at 5 p.m. You must have a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least 3.0 and a GPA of at least 3.0 across all your business courses (or their equivalent). You cannot be on any type of university probation. You also must meet with the approval of the Numerica Board, as they make the final selection decision. You must also join/be a member of Numerica Credit Union, pass background checks, and sign confidentiality and ethics agreements.

If you are interested, complete this form using your Zagmail address. The form requests a current resume and a 300-word statement of interest that includes a section on how you would best serve and fulfill your duties as a student director. You also must receive two recommendations from Gonzaga faculty/staff using this form. Applications are due Monday, Sept. 21.

Questions? Email Dr. Pepper at

Are you interested in joining a select group of students who will be learning about careers in finance? The Women in Finance Leadership and Balance (WiF LaB) will be a small group that meets six times this semester with influential women in the finance field to learn more about how to design an individual pathway for personal and professional leadership in finance. The LaB will be facilitated by Linda Underwood, one of the SBA’s executives in residence. Sessions will include storytelling, professional guests, and applied skills.

Fall meetings are 4:30-5:20 p.m. in Jepson 120 on the following Mondays.

  • Sept. 16
  • Sept. 30
  • Oct. 7
  • Oct. 14
  • Nov. 4
  • Nov. 18

To apply for this cohort, please write a 200-300 word statement regarding your interest in the LaB and upload it here along with a resume. The LaB is open to all students at Gonzaga. Applications are due by Wednesday, Sept. 4. Applicants will be informed of the selection committee’s decision by Friday, Sept. 6.

Questions? Email Dr. Pepper at

Please visit your advisor to be cleared to register, review your mid-term grades, and talk about your future. Tips from the Registrar are available here.

Frequently asked questions about registering for Fall 2023 courses include:

I want to get “signed in” to a closed section of a course. What should I do?
Download a Course Authorization form from this page and follow the instructions on the page for having it approved. (Hint: You can do this before your register and be pre-approved for when you do register.)

How do I declare my major/concentration or change my major/concentration?
Download a Declaration of Major from this page and follow the instructions on the page for having it approved.

I need a course that meets the experiential requirement for my business concentration. Which Fall 2024 classes will fulfill that requirement?

BMIS 445 Analytics Practicum
BMIS 441 Data Base Management
BUSN 470 Multidisciplinary Act Projects
ACCT 471 Forensic Accounting Lab
BFIN 429B Portfolio Mgmt II
BUSN 494 Small Business Consulting
BUSN 497 Internship (See requirements.).

I need a course that meets the international requirement for my business concentration. Which Fall 2024 classes will fulfill that requirement?

ECON 311 Global Economic Issues
MGMT 355 International Management
MKTG 417 International Marketing
OPER 348 Qlty Mgmt & Intrnl Standards
OPER 440 Global Operations and Supply Chain Management

I need a course with the core designation Global Studies, Writing Enriched, and/or Social Justice. How do I find out which courses have those attributes?

Answer: Instructions on finding attributes are available here. In the SBA, the following Fall courses will have those attributes:

  • Global Studies: ECON 311 Global Economic Issues; MKTG 417 International Marketing; OPER 440 Global Supply Chain Management
  • Writing Enriched: MGMT 350 Principles of Management (all sections), MGMT 400 Recruitment and Selection (when taught by Pepper); BFIN 423 Financial Management Cases (when taught by Morscheck)
  • Social Justice: BUSN 480 Senior Seminar Business Ethics

How do I know which classes I need to take?

Answer: Run a degree evaluation. Instructions for how to do so are available here.

How do I change advisors?

Answer: Download a Change of Advisor from this page and follow the instructions on the page for having it approved.

Can I count my internship for academic credit?

Juniors and Seniors can get up to three credits for internships but must meet the criteria. More information on how to register for an internship is available here.

I think I want to do an individualized concentration. How does that work?

Students may design an interdisciplinary concentration of courses related to their individual goals and interests. Use this link to learn more.

When is my registration window?

You can find this information under the Registration tab on ZAGWEB:
1. Log into ZAGWEB
2. Select “Student”
3. Select “Student Profile”
4. Ensure the term you are registering for is selected in the upper left corner
5. Select “Registration Notices” in the upper right corner
6. You will see your time ticket indicated at the bottom of the “Registration Notices” section

I plan to take classes at another university in the summer. How can I make sure those classes will transfer back to Gonzaga?

Instructions are available here.

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