July 2021

You are currently browsing the monthly archive for July 2021.

This blog is designed for the School of Business Administration student. Here you will find answers to frequently asked questions about registration, courses, and other aspects of your business education.

Spring 2025
Spring 2025 One-Credit Weekend Classes


Check Canvas. All business majors are enrolled in a Canvas “class” with advising information and tips!


Registering for an Internship
Completing Internship Requirements

Registration FAQs
Core Designations
Declaration of major/minor/concentration
Degree evaluation
Directed Study
Double-counting of courses
Entrepreneurship and Innovation Concentration
Individualized Concentration
New Venture Lab
Registrar’s Office
Study Abroad course approval process
Substitution Forms
Transfer your summer classes

Other Resources

Reporting sexual harassment and assault
Find My Professor
Advice for the First Day of Class

Do you need to take an experiential course to complete your degree requirement? Experiential courses are those that give you hands-on experience with the curriculum. Here is a list of Fall 2021 courses that will count toward your experiential requirement (if you have one):

ACCT.471.0113168Forensic Accounting Lab
BENT.491.0111006Creating New Ventures
BENT.492.0110884Technology Entrepreneurship
BENT.493.0114462Social Entrepreneurship
BENT.495.0110817New Venture Lab (apply here)
BUSN.470.0115465Multidisciplinary Act Projects
BUSN.491.0114420Startup Accelerator
BUSN.494.0114421Small Business Consulting
MKTG.489.0114501Content Marketing

For details on how to get an internship and get credit for it, click here.

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