Doctoral students, candidates, graduates and faculty have been honored again this year by ILA.
Presentations that have been accepted for the ILA 2014 international conference in San Diego include:
Experiences: Creating Collective Reality to Achieve Multi-agency Collaborations
Interior consciousness – A leader’s insights in collaborating with a pan African women led organization and a resettlement agency
Engaging men with undergraduate and graduate leadership programs
Leadership from the Margins: Perspectives from College Campuses and Beyond
Meaningful Leadership: Perspectives on Service, Identity, and Authenticity
Meaning, Peace, and Global Leadership
And here’s some of those who were accepted to present (please let me know if we’ve missed anyone so we can send out another shout to those we’ve missed):
Evelyne Ello Hart
Rusty Horton
Dr. Lyna Matesi
Dr. Brian Davenport
Dr. Nathaniel Pearson
Dr. Lunell Haught
Dr. Caroline Fu
Dr. Shann Ferch
Congratulations all! The GU Doctoral Program in Leadership Studies has enjoyed a great affiliation with ILA over the years and we encourage you to come to the conference if you can, and join with others to put together a potential presentation for future conferences.