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Leadership Research Conference

Posted by: Anna | January 26, 2013 | 2 Comments |

***Update: Meeting will be located in the Dean’s Conference Room in Tilford.

Dear Colleagues,

I am writing to solicit interest and commitment on the part of doctoral students and leadership faculty to help organize a small Leadership Research Conference in March. This conference would be in lieu of our SUGU conference. At this late date I think we should plan on only one day of presentations and forgo the dinner and speeches. But I am open to what you all think.

Could we please have an organizing/interest meeting next week? I am hoping that 1 p.m on Monday, January 28, would work for people. We will meet in the Dean’s Conference Room in Tilford.

If you can make that meeting either in person or via Skype please let me know. I will find a room to accommodate.


Chris Francovich

under: Uncategorized

Responses -

Chris, I am more than happy to pursue options for this. Keep me in the loop. 1pm on Monday, Jan. 28 works for me.

Daryl Geffken

I would love to be a part of the leadership conference. However, I do not live in the Spokane area so I am not sure how much help I could be in organizing it. I will do whatever I can though! Please keep me informed!

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