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Leadership Symposium on the Horizon

Posted by: francovich | March 10, 2014 | No Comment |

Dear colleagues,

Please note that Friday and Saturday March 21 and 22 are the symposium dates. We will be convening for a panel presentation and reception in Jepson on Friday afternoon and then moving to Cataldo for dinner and entertainment shortly thereafter. Saturday morning will begin in Jepson with presentations throughout the day.

Please register for the symposium Here – and follow the instructions. Everyone that attends should register so we get an accurate count for the meals. Please also note that this is a FREE event in terms of money and that the real cost is to your attention.

Come hear what your colleagues in the Comprehensive Leadership Program, Organizational Leadership, Communication Leadership, and Doctoral are thinking about and asking questions about!

Also note that the Spring DPLS 722 class will be presenting MOCK quantitative research project idea posters in the lobby of Jepson on Saturday.

Thank you for your participation!

Chris Francovich

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