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Study Abroad Opportunity: Cali, Colombia

Posted by: JoAnn | February 20, 2014 | 3 Comments |

Dr. Topuzova in Organizational Leadership is looking for one more doctoral student to join a small team that will spend 2 weeks in Cali, Colombia working with an organic coffee farmers association and studying grassroots leadership. This course is suitable for those of you who are interested in learning more about action research and research in community settings, who are working in the public and non-profits sectors or are just passionate about social justice. The course is cross-listed in the DPLS and ORGL programs and is 3 credits. You do not need to speak Spanish to be part of the course. Here’s a bit more information:

DPLS/ ORGL 690: Leadership and Accompaniment
May 19 – 31, 2014 Cali, Colombia

Practice key concepts of leadership in an international service learning setting and see how community development occurs at the grassroots. We will spend two weeks working together with faculty and peers from Javeriana University in Cali, Colombia, a Jesuit university that Gonzaga has a long-standing partnership with. Students will engage directly with local community leaders and will gain first hand experience of asset-based community development models. Further, they will learn strategies for thinking and practicing ethical leadership, and will have increased self-awareness and cultural sensitivity through critical reflection and action.

The course fee is $2895 and includes tuition, accommodation and most meals for the 2 weeks in Colombia, excursions to local historical sites and museums, cultural events, AirMed. The fee does not include travel to Cali, Colombia (about $900) or personal expenses (e.g. gifts).

To apply you need to submit an application ASAP through the Study Abroad office (link: http://gonzaga-sa.terradotta.com/index.cfm?FuseAction=Programs.ViewProgram&Program_ID=10077 ) and a deposit of $500. If you have questions, you can e-mail Dr. Topuzova directly at: topuzova@gonzaga.edu

under: Uncategorized

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I participated last year, and I highly recommend the program. You will be blown away by the people, their farming, and coffee cooperative.

Looks like a great class, do you offer discounts on this one? Please let me know.

hello Jose,
what kind of discounts do you have in mind?
in general, study abroad courses have a different way to calculate course fees and the amount you see there covers tuition as well as room and board. we try to keep the cost low for students, so in a way this is already a deep discount. if you are interested if financial aid can be used to cover this fee or a loan- this is a question for the financial aid office.

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