Why I Give

“I give to Gonzaga because working on my Master’s in Organizational Leadership literally changed my life!

I had been a stay-at-home mother for 18 years, and as such, did much volunteer work in my children’s catholic grade school. As they began to enter high school, and then our oldest went to college, I found myself floundering. I was ready to stop volunteering as much, and there weren’t as many opportunities as they entered high school. What was I to do now? My purpose in life, in the form of my children, was growing up! Before having children, I had a great job in marketing and sales, so I thought I’d look into something part-time — a job that would still allow me to be a mom to my younger children, but one that might offer me something to do for ME. I took a job in the marketing department at a small, local college, and while working on a project, found the MAOL program. 

I applied, took the entrance exam (I hadn’t taken a test in 25 years!), and started the program. It afforded me the chance to travel to Spokane, and as electives, the the St. Andrews Abbey in Valerymo, CA, and to Florence, Italy. It allowed me to become a better person because of the education Gonzaga provided and the people and professors I met. Also, it gave me enough confidence to further my education, and I went on to achieve a doctoral degree!

I love Gonzaga because of its Jesuit traditions, excellent educational opportunities, and its professors, which gave me the chance to become a new person!”
– Robyn Holder (’08)