Zags Give Day Thank You

Thank You For Going All In For Zags Give Day!

Your support for Gonzaga University students is very much appreciated by our entire community. Thanks for going All In for Zags Give Day!

You can take things one step further and help bring others to the table if you’d like by sharing the Zags Give Day message!  Feel free to use any of the images and videos provided here to spread the word about the good being done at Gonzaga University and through our students, around the world. 

All In for Zags Give Day

All In for Zags Give Day

All In for Zags Give Day

All In for Zags Give Day

All In for Zags Give Day All In for Zags Give Day

All In for Zags Give Day

All In for Zags Give Day

All In for Zags Give Day

All In for Zags Give Day

All In for Zags Give Day