Blaine Garvin

Thousands Of Students Impacted

Blaine GarvinProfessor Blaine Garvin has seen his share of potential realized. For over 46 years at Gonzaga University, he’s taught political science courses to thousands of students who’ve gone on to do incredible things. 

“Our students aren’t narrowly ambitious,” said Garvin. “They want to do well in the world but they also want to make change in the world. Scholarships make that possible; the more Gonzaga has, the better — and that’s not just rhetoric.”

Together, Blaine and his wife Sue have gone beyond rhetoric in their plans to support Gonzaga’s future. 

“It’s our hope that Gonzaga retains its Jesuit character,” Garvin explained. “When I started giving, it was a small bit of my salary to help grow the endowment. The Jesuits give through their lives; it’s up to us laypeople to give through our money. When my wife and I were planning our wills, we decided it was important to both take care of my son and give back to Gonzaga. We have deep roots here. It’s a place we’ve loved and we’d like to see it continue.” 

Like the Garvins, you too can impact the lives of Gonzaga students today and in the future. Contact Judy Rogers at or 800-388-0881 to explore the ways you can make a difference with your support.