Hotstart’s CEO Keeps it Simple
An excerpt from an interview by Michael Guilfoil for The Spokesman-Review, July 23, 2017. (Full story available here.) Photo by Dan Pelle During his …
An excerpt from an interview by Michael Guilfoil for The Spokesman-Review, July 23, 2017. (Full story available here.) Photo by Dan Pelle During his …
Gonzaga alumnus Reilly Dooris (’15) serves poor entrepreneurs in Guatemala as executive field director of First Things Foundation. His secret: bonds forged by love.
Autism specialist, inspirational and instructional speaker, and Gonzaga alumnus Patrick Mulick says that “your attitude is like glitter – good or bad, once it’s somewhere, it’s everywhere.”
Refugees. Conflict. Navigating resettlement for displaced people in Africa. For Gonzaga senior Ladd Serwat, it starts with humility.
During a visit from actor Sabra Williams, Gonzaga leadership students learned about the power of drama to help those who are incarcerated. The Actors Gang is providing therapy, healing and humor in California prisons.
President Thayne McCulloh shares a new vision for Mission leadership and a new home for Jesuits.
Seventy-seven years a Jesuit, Fr. Frank Costello died May 23. He left the world a better place.
On April 14, 2016, Gonzaga University honored Gerri Craves and her late husband Bob with the Ignatian Spirit Award. Here, we learn about Gerri’s love for students and the Jesuits, and her hopes for Gonzaga.
By Dale Goodwin (’86) Mike Herzog first set foot on Gonzaga’s campus as a youngster in 1958. Boone Avenue divided the Administration Building from the …
In February, GU and University of Washington signed an agreement to form a partnership that will enhance and expand medical education in Spokane.