2011 Gonzaga University Calendar

2011 Gonzaga University Calendar

If you made a gift to Gonzaga last year, you should have recently received your own 2011 Gonzaga University Calendar in the mail with a letter from President Thayne McCulloh. We hope you enjoy the campus photographs and monthly reflections written by our University chaplains all throughout 2011. Thank you for your commitment to current Zags.

If you would like to continue your support, you can give online today at www.gonzaga.edu/giveonline, or use the envelope and pledge card provided with your calendar.

For year-end giving tips, please click here or visit http://www.gonzaga.edu/Campus-Resources/Offices-and-Services-A-Z/University-Relations/Giving/How/YearEndTips.asp.

*Don’t delay! To ensure that you receive Gonzaga’s 2012 calendar, be sure to give before May 31, 2011.