On most weekday evenings during the school year, Gonzaga Telefund callers are hard at work contacting you and other parents, alumni and friends of the University. In addition to managing their course load, student callers work two three-hour shifts per week and one weekend shift per semester. Each year, people answer their call by pledging over $800,000 to benefit a multitude of areas on campus, including vital student scholarships.
Last night, after less than one month of calling, Gonzaga’s Telefund students hit the $125,000 mark!
The Gonzaga Telefund students are in full swing, calling primarily on Monday to Thursday evenings from 6-9 p.m., Pacific Time. Make sure and ask your caller for updates about Gonzaga’s 125th Anniversary events and service projects for parents! If you have any questions about Telefund or would like to learn more, please contact Jana Wolff at wolff@gonzaga.edu or (509) 313-6378.