Welcome to Gonzaga Giving

June always brings a new energy to our team in Development here at Gonzaga. We ended our fiscal year on May 31, once again blessed with a strong community of donors who remain committed to financially securing the future of the University. We are also anticipating the celebration of notable milestones in 2012 with Gonzaga University commemorating its 125th anniversary along with the School of Law celebrating 100 years, and in 2013 we recognize 50 years of Gonzaga in Florence, there is truly not a better time to be excited about Gonzaga’s legacy of excellence.

Three main goals for this coming academic year:

  1. Remain committed to securing funding for our students, including scholarships, academic and programmatic support, faculty research and retention as well as ensuring a quality extracurricular experience through University Ministry programs, intramural activities and service projects.
  2. Continue to be as transparent as possible about the needs of the University, how your gifts are being used and ways that your support is making a difference to our students.
  3. Show our appreciation to you for all that you do for Gonzaga, whether that is through your gifts of time, talent or financial resources. We are grateful for our loyal donor family and never want to take for granted all that you share with the GU community.

We hope this blog is one more way to serve you and help meet our goals above. We look forward to introducing you to students who are sincerely grateful for the generosity you provide as well as faculty who are utilizing these resources on a daily basis. Throughout the year we will be posting regularly to ensure that you feel part of our donor family and are kept up-to-date of the latest news.

Your participation in this blog is encouraged, and we want to hear from you on how we can be communicating better, answering your questions and ensuring your needs are being met as a donor or future donor to Gonzaga.

In the words of one of our most beloved Zags, Fr. Tony Lehmann, S.J., “To be continued…”

Visit our Development website for all things giving! Just visit www.gonzaga.edu/supportgu.