Love to Give – Jenni and Mark

Baby Jack

Jack Niemann

Jack Niemann points to the word GONZAGA and in his tiny toddler voice says, “Gonzaga!” with a smile. It doesn’t matter if he’s seeing it on a shirt, a poster, or while he watches a basketball game on TV – 14 month-old Jack sees the name of the place that brought his mommy and daddy together and he just lights up.

Jack was born into a family that lives and breathes Gonzaga. His mother, Jenni (Miller) Niemann (’06) and his father, Mark Niemann (’04) met on the GU campus in 2002. Jenni remembers first noticing Mark while they played intramural basketball. Gonzaga basketball would be a theme in their lives together from that moment forward, helping propel them toward the family they share today.

They were introduced through mutual friends, and on Valentine’s Day in 2003 they officially began dating. “We met our junior year,” said Mark, who also added that his favorite memory from his time at GU was “meeting my wife.” Just over 5 years after that first glance across the court, Jenni and Mark were married on the Oregon coast.

“Gonzaga is more than just a school,” said Mark. Jenni agreed, “Gonzaga is part of our family and a big part of the foundation of our relationship. It means a lot to both of us that we met there, sort of grew up together and experienced so many life changes as we transitioned from college life to the real world.”

The Niemanns

Jenni (carrying Jack) and Mark Niemann and their bulldog, Stockton

For the Niemanns, the “real world” now involves owning and running their own business, raising a son, and caring for a 3 year-old bulldog named Stockton. Jenni and Mark still enjoy traveling and planning trips around Gonzaga games and events, too. Together, they’ve followed Gonzaga basketball to almost every WCC basketball tournament, most of the Battle in Seattle games and the Maui Invitational.

Since Jenni and Mark hold Gonzaga basketball so near and dear to their hearts, they’ve both chosen to make gifts to the Bulldog Club athletic fund. Through their business, Farmgirlfit, they also give to other organizations associated with Gonzaga, including Coaches v. Cancer. You can learn more about Mark and Jenni’s business on their website or on facebook. Mark’s primary occupation is as a patent attorney at Wolfe-SBMC.

“We will always share a fondness for the place that made us come together as a family, and keeps us connected with so many people we love,” said Jenni.

If you are a Zag married to another Zag like Jenni and Mark are, you can make a real difference in Gonzaga’s alumni participation tally – your gift will count as two! Visit to do your part and show that proud Zags give back to help other Zags. Learn more about the impact these gifts have at