Our Jesuit Identity Is Alive And Well
Our Jesuit identity is alive and well. Gonzaga University is an effective and immensely valuable school. It has been for 129 years. …
Our Jesuit identity is alive and well. Gonzaga University is an effective and immensely valuable school. It has been for 129 years. …
You are part of the Gonzaga University family. You have experienced the transformative power of GU. For alumni, the relationships you forged …
As part of the Gonzaga family, you’ll likely receive communications from the Office of University Advancement, a division at Gonzaga University that includes the …
The Gonzaga community united in appreciation Tuesday, April 19, 2016, for the sixth annual Tomorrow Made Possible event—an opportunity for students to …
You hold the key that unlocks the unstoppable will of Gonzaga University. Visit gonzagawill.com/ZagsGiveDay to give now! Today, you can provide the …
Go to gonzagawill.com/ZagsGiveDay to join in and make your gift! Zags Give Day is a one-day giving drive with a goal to bring …
Remember those coloring pages where you had to connect the dots in order to make a bigger picture? I think those are …
It’s #GivingTuesday—the day dedicated to giving back. After Thanksgiving and the the three different deal days that follow (Black Friday, Small Business Saturday and Cyber …
It’s that time of year again: time to count down to Christmas with everyone’s favorite Zag family tradition—the Gonzaga online Advent calendar! …
There’s a holiday for giving thanks, two days for shopping deals and a day devoted to supporting small businesses; after all of …