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One of the biggest events that the Gonzaga Student Body Association (GSBA) and the Office of Student Activities hosts every fall is the annul Club & Community Fair.  It’s the best opportunity for students to see all Gonzaga’s 90+ student clubs and organizations, various campus departments and programs and local businesses.  It’s hard to miss this event as there are hundreds of tables lining Bulldog Alley, the walkway that runs right in front of the Crosby student center.  This year the Club & Community fair will be on Wednesday, September 8 from 10am-2pm.  So encourage your son or daughter to attend and learn more about all the ways they can get involved.  Another new resource we have is our new Community:  Get Involved website (www.gonzaga.edu/community).  As we transition to this site it will begin with all the student clubs and organizations.  Eventually we envision this site being a one stop site for all campus involvement opportunities at Gonzaga.  This site includes a list of organizations, contact information and calendar of events.  Students can login using their Gonzaga username and e-mail, while you yourself can browse the public side of the site to see what student groups Gonzaga has and what is going on around campus.

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