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Dear Parents:

Recent developments in Congress and the Washington State Legislature have caused a bit of unrest amongst Gonzaga employees, students, and the general community on all levels. In late February Congress passed a resolution that would change and reduce the Pell Grant program, as well as completely dissolve the Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG). On the local level, Governor Gregoire recently released her budget plan for the upcoming year which would increase the Washington State Need Grant (WSNG), but would ultimately remove 2,800 State Work Study positions and suspend the awarding of the WAVE and Washington Scholars program.

These actions are not yet final and there are still voices to be heard by Congress and the Washington Legislature before votes will be made. The community of Gonzaga is a part of that voice and the Gonzaga Financial Aid Office, as well as the students of Gonzaga, are asking for your help in ensuring that aid will be available to those who need it.

This year 845 students received the Pell Grant, 612 received the SEOG Grant, and many more participated in State Work Study, WAVE, and Washington Scholars. These numbers will dwindle not only in the upcoming year, but for years to follow if action is not taken. Please consider contacting your Senators and Representatives at the federal level via e-mail to thank them for supporting your students in the realm of financial aid, and ask that they continue to support education for the students that may follow. To find links to your respective Members of Congress you may visit www.usa.gov/Contact/Elected.shtml.

If you are a resident of Washington State and would like to send a note to your local Legislator, please consider visiting the website of the Independent Colleges of Washington, http://www.icwashington.org/action.html, and using the template they provide as correspondence. ICW is a friend and ally to Gonzaga University and is working to keep financial aid at manageable levels for all of Washington’s institutions.

Thank you for sharing such an important member of your family with us as educators. The Gonzaga Community is comprised of much more than just students, staff, faculty, and Jesuits. As we all rely interdependently on one another to inspire and develop students, please consider joining us in the conversation to maintain not only Gonzaga’s financial aid levels, but all student aid nationwide.

Thank You,

The Gonzaga Financial Aid Office

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