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Colleges Against Cancer understands the contributions that our students and parents have made to past and recent Relay for Life events. For our upcoming event April 8-9, we are hoping to beat our $40,000 fundraising goal from last year and are asking for the help of GU parents to support this great cause.  You can follow the link above and donate any amount to a personal group (Relay for Life team your student is on), or if you would like to donate regardless of team contribution you can just make an anonymous donation.  Also, consider purchasing a luminaria in honor or memory of a loved one.  The Colleges Against Cancer club and Relay for Life group at Gonzaga University is committed to the cause to end cancer and we can use your help!

Thank you so much!  Any questions or concerns you can email: ltreacy@zagmail.gonzaga.edu.

So far our Relay for Life at Gonzaga University has: 37 teams, 150 participants, and $8,800 raised so far. The link to our site is: http://main.acsevents.org/site/TR/RelayForLife/RFLFY11GW?team_id=901019&pg=team&fr_id=34251.

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