Our Blog

To subscribe to receive updates from the Parent and Family Office, complete the following:

If using Internet Explorer:

  1. Go to: http://blogs.gonzaga.edu/parents
  2. At the top left-hand corner of the page, you will see an orange icon like below. Please click on that link to subscribe.

Subscribe to feed

  1. It will take you to another page, with more information at the top where you will need to again click again on           Subscribe to this feed
  2. A window will pop up to confirm where you will simply need to click on the button “Subscribe”
  3. You view feeds on the Feeds tab in the Favorites Center. To view your feeds, click the Favorites Center button (represented by a yellow start) and then click Feeds

If using Mozilla Firefox:

  1. Go to http://blogs.gonzaga.edu/parents
  2. At the top left-hand corner of the page, you will see an orange icon like below. Please click on that link to subscribe.

Subscribe to feed

  1. It will take you to another page with more information at the top where you see a drop down menu to “subscribe to this feed using…”
    1. There you will have options to use a reader such as “bloglines, yahoo or google”
    2. If you aren’t as familiar with readers, you can choose “Live Bookmarks” which will show up in your “Bookmarks” toolbar; there you will have to check regular for the latest feed
    3. You can also choose “Microsoft Office Outlook”, where it is delivered to your RSS folder in your outlook email account


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